Thursday, January 8, 2009

How do I explain?

Next week I will be teaching a professional development session on blogging at my school. As is typical of most schools, our students are significantly more advanced than we are at using technology to their advantage. Me... I just signed up on Facebook a week ago after purchasing my Blackberry cell phone. (FYI - I am now completely adicted to all things Blackberry... my life in the palm of my hand!)

Now don't get me wrong. I consider myself to be somewhat of a techie when it comes to computer software and hardware that we typically use in the classroom: Promethean Activboards, Office software, and oh, can I make some beautiful programs using Publisher! My internet communication skills, however, are lacking. "Why?" you might ask. There are several reasons...

Reasons why Suemelody is "www" challenged:
1. I am of the opinion that I spend enough time on a computer at work, therefore, I do not subscribe to the internet at home. The rewards are I don't take my work home with me, not to mention one less bill to pay on this lowly teacher's salary. However, since I am typically working at work instead of surfing the web, I do not have the opportunity to "play" with internet related technology.

2. Since anything put on the internet can be seen by anyone at any time, I am always leery of providing personal information. This includes using real names and places. I know it's just an adjustment that I must make in my brain.

3. In all honesty, I'm more of a talker than a writer! Always have been. The pressure of thinking of something significant to say that others may actually be interested in reading overwhelms me much of the time. Same goes for pictures. I would rather spend time in the moment than be behind a camera taking a picture of the moment. I'm sure my memory keeping genes will kick in one of these days, since I do hope to have children and record the milestones in their lives, but until then, I'm at a loss.

Knowing all of my own shortcomings, how do I begin to explain to my colleagues why it is beneficial to use blogging in their classrooms? The best answer I have is "because it will motivate our students, meeting them where they are in their social lives and giving each the opportunity to express his or her ideas." For now, that's the best I have to give!

See you in class, fellow student-motivators!


  1. You will do a great job explaining blogs, just like you do with everything else! I think this is a great idea! Can't wait to see it develop! I am addicted to blogging!

  2. Blogging is fun! You can even do it from your nifty new Blackberry on the fly.

  3. I know nothing about blogging so I really enjoyed looking at you technologically savy ladies' blogs! I am excited to learn more on Wednesday!

  4. I have leraned alot about blogging today. I plan to use this to discuss hot topics with SIC and parents.
